Sociology in Industry

Through its emphasis on critical thinking and sound data collection and analysis, sociology prepares our students to excel in a variety of disciplines.

Sociology and Medicine

Sociology addresses complex social, structural, and environmental factors affecting health and well-being.  These factors include poverty, racism, exposure to violence, social networks, environmental justice, access to health care, food deserts, and the role of power and money in defining health, illness, and care.

Sociology enables you to develop the cultural competence necessary for successful communication in multi-cultural and diverse social contexts.

Sociology helps you to prepare for the MCAT’s sections on the social and behavioral sciences.

Sociology and Law

Sociology sheds light on complex issues conforming the legal and judicial systems: for example, the relationship between extra-legal factors such as race, poverty, and gender with the criminal justice system, the role of interests in determining how laws are defined and enforced, definitions of deviance across time and space, etc.

Sociological theory provides a solid basis for understanding the logic and reasoning of human behavior and social organization.

Sociology and Business

Sociology improves your potential for adaptability in any organization by helping you to understand key social factors such as culture, race, ethnicity, gender, power, economics, etc.

Sociology is fundamental to effective interpersonal communication in current multi-cultural and multinational business environments

Sociological research design and methods are applicable to many fields in business, including HR, marketing, consulting, sales, management, etc.