Michael Welch

Emeritus Professor

Research Interests

Social Psychology, Social Control Processes, Research Methodology


Dr. Michael Welch is currently extending his work on the determinants of social trust and continuing work on a project that examines the connection between morality and crime. His previous research has also studied the relationship between religion and criminal behavior and structural effects on the implementation of hate crime laws.  Several of his publications have appeared in a number of the top social science journals, including the American Sociological Review, American Journal of Political Science, and Social Forces, as well as many other leading academic journals such as Social Science Quarterly, Criminology, Quantitative Criminology, and the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. He is a reviewer for more than twenty professional journals in the social sciences and a long-standing member of the editorial board of Sociological Inquiry. Dr. Welch was the chairperson of Notre Dame’s Department of Sociology from 2000-2003.