Daniel Tadmon

Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology with an affiliation at The Lucy Family Institute for Data & Society

Research Interests

Culture, Mental Health Care, Inequality


Cultural Sociology, Quantitative Methods, Stratification and Inequality


Daniel Tadmon's research focuses on the ways social institutions structure people’s subjective understandings of themselves and of the world around them, and of the impacts this has on inequality. His main line of work focuses on mental health care as one such institution. His ongoing projects use a variety of big-data, computational text analysis, geospatial, experimental, and audit approaches to study the current U.S. mental health care field from two intersecting perspectives: first, as a critical medical service offering life-saving care; and, second, as a centrally important cultural institution, providing people with powerful frames and tools to understand their lives and their troubles.

Daniel is an incoming Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology with an affiliation at The Lucy Family Institute for Data & Society (Fall '24), and is currently a Postdoctoral Research Scholar at INCITE, at Columbia University. Prior to earning his Sociology PhD, he trained as a clinical psychologist and practiced psychotherapy at an adolescent inpatient psychiatric unit.

Email: daniel.tadmon@nd.edu
Phone: TBA
Office: 4081 Jenkins Nanovic Halls
Office Hours: TBA

CV Website