
  • Center for Research on Educational Opportunity (CREO)

    CREO offers faculty and graduate students opportunities to collaborate and conduct research on educational inequality. CREO also invites speakers to campus. CREO faculty also offer graduate and undergraduate courses on education and inequality.

  • Center for the Study of Religion and Society (CSRS)

    The CSRS supports faculty and student research in the area of religion and society. A weekly workshop brings together graduate students and faculty to review their ongoing research. CSRS also supports graduate student travel to academic conferences.

  • Center for the Study of Social Movements and Social Change

    The Center for the Study of Social Movements and Social Change holds an annual conference at Notre Dame, which highlights the work of up and coming young scholars in the field of social movements and change.

  • Initiative on Race and Resilience

    The Initiative on Race and Resilience mission is to challenge systemic racism and to advance racial equality through research, education, and community empowerment.

  • Institute for Latino Studies (ILS)

    The ILS brings together faculty and students who are interested in research and policy issues related to Latinos in the United States and abroad.

  • Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies

    Students can participate in the joint Ph.D. program in sociology and peace studies with the Kroc Institute. Kroc Institute sponsors talks and events on campus on topics related to the roots of violent conflict and strategies for sustainable peace.

  • Kellogg Institute for International Studies

    The Kellogg Institute supports faculty and graduate students who are interested in critical global issues. Kellogg has a specific focus on democracy and human development. It also supports many talks and symposiums on campus.

  • Notre Dame Program for Interdisciplinary Educational Research (ND PIER)

    The ND PIER is an interdisciplinary training program for graduate students at Notre Dame that focuses conducting educational research using cutting-edge methodologies. Burns Fellows receive additional resources to support their research.