Saturday Scholar Series-“Flooding the Desert: Faith-Based Mobilizing to Save Lives Along the Arizona-Sonora Border”


Location: Snite Museum of Art

10.15.16 (vs. Stanford)

Game at 7:30 p.m.; lecture at 4 p.m.

“Flooding the Desert: Faith-Based Mobilizing to Save Lives Along the Arizona-Sonora Border”

Kraig Beyerlein, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology

Drawing on a large number of original interviews and surveys, this talk focuses on the emergence and growth of the faith-based movement in Southern Arizona to save the lives of undocumented migrants crossing the Sonoran desert. Mainline Protestant and Catholic congregations led the way in both phases of this movement. Professor Beyerlein will also discuss resistance to humanitarian efforts along the border as well as how secular participants have been changed through their life-saving work with faith communities.