
We designed our program to help you get your research into print. The proseminar orients our students toward publication on day one. Our training seminars refine and polish your ideas and writing. Learn the ropes of article writing and pull back the curtain on the journal review process in our From Publishable to Published class. Collaborate with faculty and graduate students on manuscripts. Demystify the publishing process through brown-bag lunch discussions led by faculty with editorial experience — such as Rory McVeigh (American Sociological Review), Sarah Mustillo (American Sociological Review), and Mark Berends (American Educational Research Journal; Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis). 

Our program graduates are a testament to success

“Very early on I found myself in conversations with faculty members that were creative in nature, not didactic or lecturing, but a true exchange of ideas. These matured over time into developing ideas in writing, which eventually turned into co-authored papers. My own solo research was nurtured in innumerable ways toward publication. Most of all, the faculty helped me understand where my research might fit into an ongoing conversation without sacrificing its originality or imprint as my own work. To get published, I felt like the department gave me a behind-the-scenes look at the process, encouraged my originality and gave me a strong foundation from which to know how to contribute in a distinctive way. Essential to this process were the department's many research workshops.”

Michael Strand, Assistant Professor, Brandeis University


“The professional seminar was really formative for me, teaching me the “hidden curriculum” of academia and helping me to chart my path through the publishing process. Again, the ability to focus on our research rather than burdensome teaching obligations was a main reason I chose ND against some other higher-ranked departments.”

Justin Farrell, Associate Professor, Yale University


“The From Publishable to Published seminar was helpful because faculty let us in on the ‘secrets’ to taking seminar papers or a master's thesis and transforming it into a published paper. Writing seminar papers in graduate school is different than producing a publishable paper, and this workshop assisted with techniques and a structured peer review process that helped tremendously. It was through this workshop that I learned how to peer review papers for journals, a skill that is not necessarily taught through graduate training.” 

Nicole Perez, Post-doc, University of Illinois, Chicago


Recent Student Publications


  • Abigail Jorgensen has a book under contract with Ave Maria Press: a compassionate handbook to Catholic teaching on miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss. Target release date: spring 2024.
  • Williams, Richard, and Abigail Jorgensen. Forthcoming. “Comparing Logit & Probit Coefficients Between Nested Models.” Social Science Research.
  • Cowan, Sarah K., Tricia C. Bruce, Brea Perry, Bridget Ritz, Stuart Perrett, and Elizabeth M. Anderson. 2022. “Discordant Benevolence: How and Why People Help Others in the Face of Conflicting Values.” Science Advances.
  • Trudeau, Libby, and Abigail Jorgensen (equal authors). 2022. “Saying ‘I Do’ to Feminism: How U.S. Christian women manage religious and feminist identities in their weddings.” Religion & Gender.
  • Marchand, A. D., Frisby, M.R., Kraemer, M. R., Mathews, C. J., Diemer, M. A., & Voight, A. M. 2021. "Sociopolitical participation among marginalized youth: Do political identification and ideology matter?" Journal of Youth Development.
  • Dugandzic, Audra. 2021. "Reconnecting Religion and Community in a Small City: How Urban Amenities Afford Religious Amenities." Sociology of Religion.
  • Zimmermann, Calvin R., & Keynton, Rachel. 2021. When to call home?: The intersection of race and gender and teacher communication with parents in first grade. Race Ethnicity and Education.
  • Rotolo, Michael. 2021.“Culture Beneath Discourse: A Conceptual Model for Analyzing Nondeclarative Cultural Knowledge.” American Journal of Cultural Sociology.
  • Rotolo, Michael. 2021. “Moral Religiosities: How Morality Structures Religious Understandings during the Transition to Adulthood.” Sociology of Religion.
  • Berends, Mark and Megan J. Austin. 2020. “Research Quality and Policy Development.” Doing Good Social Science: Trust, Accuracy, Transparency, edited by Jonathan Plucker and Matt Makel.Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
  • Fitzpatrick, Brian and Sarah Mustillo. 2020. "The Right Fit?: Classroom Mismatch in Middle School and its Inconsistent Effect on Student Learning." Sociology of Education.
  • Fitzpatrick, Brian, Mark Berends, Joseph Ferrare, and Joseph Waddington. 2020. "Virtual Illusion: Comparing Student Achievement and Teacher Characteristics in Online and Brick-and-Mortar Charter Schools in Indiana." Educational Researcher. 
  • Jorgensen, Abigail and Rich Williams. 2020. “Goodness of Fit Measures.” In P. A. Atkinson, A. Cernat, S. Delamont, J. W. Sakshaug, R. A. Williams (Eds.), SAGE Research Methods Foundations.
  • Rotolo, Michael. 2020. “Religion Imagined: The Conceptual Substructures of American Religious Understandings.” Sociological Forum
  • Stoltz, Dustin S., Justin Van Ness, and Mette Evelyn Bjerre. 2020. “The Changing Valuation of Dogs.” Sociological Forum.
  • Vilaca, Luiz. 2020. "From the Offices to the Field: Bureaucratic Activism in the Case of the Belo Monte Dam." Mobilization.
  • Merrill, Becca, Lora Cohen-Vogel, Michael Little, James Sadler, Kenya Lee. 2020. “Quality Assurance Features in State-funded Early Childhood Education: A Policy Brief." Children and Youth Services Review.
  • Dallavis, Julie W. and Mark Berends. 2019. “Parental Involvement in Schools as Organizations: Examining Consistent Benefits, Persistent Challenges, and Emerging Issues.” International Handbook of School Organization.
  • Pierce, Kayla and Christopher Quiroz. 2019. "Who Matters Most? Social Support, Social Strain, and Emotions". Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.
  • Smith, Christian, Bridget Ritz, and Michael Rotolo. 2019. "Religious Parenting: Transmitting Faith and Values in Contemporary America". Princeton: Princeton University Press. 
  • Rotolo, Michael. 2019. “Religion Imagined: The Conceptual Substructures of American Religious Understandings.” Sociological Forum.
  • Wenjie Duan, Chen He, Lu Huang, Junrong Sheng. 2019. "The 12-item big three perfectionism scale for adolescents". Personal and Individual Differences.
  • Stoltz, Dustin and Marshall Taylor. 2019. "Textual Spanning: Finding Discursive Holes in Text Networks." Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World.
  • Collett, Jessica, Kelcie Vercel, and Kayla Pierce. 2019.“The Role of Others in Shaping the Father Identity” in Identities in Everyday Life, edited by J. Stets and R. Serpe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Austin, Megan J. and Mark Berends. 2018. “School Choice and School Partnerships.” Handbook of the Sociology of Education, edited by Barbara Schneider, New York: Springer.
  • Blake, Mary Kate. 2018. “All Talk and No Action? Racial Differences in College Behaviors and Attendance.” Sociological Perspectives.
  • Blake, Mary Kate. 2018. “Self- And Group Racial/Ethnic Identification among Emerging Adults.” Emerging Adulthood.
  • Gold,Tomás and Alejandro M. Peña. 2018. "Protests, Signaling, and Elections: Conceptualizing Opposition-Movement Interactions During Argentina's Anti-Government Protests (2012-2013). Social Movement Studies.
  • Stoltz, Dustin and Omar Lizardo. 2018. “Deliberate Trust and Intuitive Faith: A Dual-Process Model of Reliance.” Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 
  • Taylor, Marshall A. 2018. “Simulating the Central Limit Theorem.” Stata Journal.
  • Van Ness, Justin and Erika Summers-Effler. 2018. "Emotions in Social Movements". The Blackwell Companion to Social Movements. 
  • Summers-Effler, Erika and Justin Van Ness. 2018. "Cube of Involvement: How Temporal Orientation Structures Cultural Involvements.” Ritual, Emotion, Violence: Studies on the Micro-Sociology of Randall Collins.
  • Wood, Mike, Dustin Stoltz, Justin Van Ness, Marshall Taylor. 2018. “Schemas and Frames.” Sociological Theory.
  • Crubaugh, Bryant. 2017. “Diversity, Poverty, and Resources: The Role of Incentives and Capacity in the Presence of Highly Resourced Neighborhood Associations.” Sociological Focus.
  • Kloser, Matthew, Matthew Wilsey, Dawn Hopkins, Julie W. Dallavis, Erin Lavin, and Michael Comuniello. (2017). “Dual Identities: Toward a Framework for STEM-Focused Catholic Schools.” Cultural Studies in Science Education
  • Lizardo, Omar, Robert Mowry, Brandon Sepulvado, Dustin Stoltz, Marshall A. Taylor, Justin Van Ness, and Michael Wood. 2017. "What Are Dual Process Models? Implications for Cultural Analysis in Sociology." Sociological Theory.
  • Konieczny, Mary Ellen, and Megan C. Rogers.  2017.  "Religion, Secular Humanism, and Atheism: Multi-Institutional Politics and the USAFA Cadets' Freethinkers Group." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 
  • Stoltz, Dustin and Marshall Taylor. 2017.  "Paying with Change: The Purposeful Enunciation of Material Culture". Poetics.
  • Abrutyn, Seth, Justin Van Ness, Marshall Taylor. 2017. “Collective Action and Cultural Change: Revisiting Eisenstadt’s Evolutionary Theory.” Journal of Classical Sociology.
  • McVeigh, Rory, Bryant Crubaugh, and Kevin Estep. 2016. “Plausibility Structures, Status Threats, and the Establishment of Anti-Abortion Pregnancy Centers.” American Journal of Sociology.
  • Estep, Kevin. 2016. "Constructing a Language Problem: Status-based Power Devaluation and the Threat of Immigrant Inclusion." Sociological Perspectives.
  • Fishman, Robert W. and David W. Everson. 2016. "Mechanisms of Social Movement Success: Conversation, Disruption, and Displacement." Revista Internacional de Sociologica.
  • Leguro, Myla and Hyunjin Deborah Kwak. 2016. “Unlikely Partners for Conflict Transformation: Engaging the Military as Stakeholders for Peace in Mindanao.” In Civil Society, Peace, and Power. 
  • Kwak, Hyunjin Deborah and Sana Rais. 2016. “Lighting a Candle: Jamila Afghani, Afghanistan.” in Peacemakers in Action, Volume II: Profiles of Religion in Conflict.
  • MacColman, Leslie. 2016. "Security Sector Reform in Theory and Practice: Persistent Challenges and Linkages to Conflict Transformation." The International Journal of Conflict Engagement and Resolution.
  • Lizardo, Omar, Robert Mowry, Brandon Sepulvado, Dustin Stoltz, Marshall A. Taylor, Justin Van Ness, and Michael Wood. 2016. "What Are Dual Process Models? Implications for Cultural Analysis in Sociology." Sociological Theory.
  • Brandon Sepulvado, Michael Penta, David Hachen and Omar Lizardo. 2016. “Social affiliation from religious disaffiliation: Evidence of selective mixing among youth with no religious preference during the transition to college.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.
  • Van Ness, Justin and Erika Summers-Effler. 2016. “Reimagining Collective Behavior.” Handbook of Contemporary Sociological Theory.
  • Vermurlen, Brad. 2016. "Structural Overlap and the Management of Cultural Marginality: The Case of Calvinist Hip-hop." American Journal of Cultural Sociology.
  • Austin, Megan J. 2015. “Schools’ Responses to Voucher Policy: Participation Decisions and Early Implementation Experiences in the Indiana Choice Scholarship Program.” Journal of School Choice.
  • Carnesecca, Cole. 2015. “Voice of the Masses: the Internet and Responsive Authoritarianism in China”. Urban mobilization and new media in contemporary China.
  • Summers-Effler, Erika and Hyunjin Deborah Kwak. 2015. “Weber’s Missing Mystics: Inner-Worldly Mystical Practices and the Micro Potential for Social Change.” Theory and Society.
  • MacColman, Leslie. 2015. “The Central Arguments of Isaac Ariail Reed’s Interpretation and Social KnowledgeCzech Sociological Review.
  • Blinn-Pike, Lynn, Brianna McCaslin. 2015. “College Students: Journaling about Their Intergenerational Relationships with Their Living and Deceased Grandparents.” College Student Journal.
  • Taylor, Marshall A. and Carol Rambo. 2015 [2013]. "White Shame, White Pride: Emotional Cultures, Feeling Rules, and Emotion Exemplars in White Supremacist Movement Music." International Journal of Crime, Criminal Justice, and Law.
  • Abrutyn, Seth and Justin Van Ness. 2015. "The role of agency in sociocultural evolution: Institutional entrepreneurship as a force of structural and cultural change." Thesis Eleven.
  • Summers-Effler, Erika, Justin Van Ness, and Chris Hausmann. 2015. "Peeking in the Black Box: Studying, Theorizing, and Representing the Micro-Foundations of Day-to-Day Interactions." Journal of Contemporary Ethnography.
  • Collett, Jessica L., Kelcie Vercel, and Olevia Boykin. 2015. “Using Identity Processes to Understand Persistent Inequality in Parenting.” Social Psychology Quarterly.
  • Brian J. Miller and Peter Mundey. 2015. “Follow the Rules and No One Will Get Hurt:Performing Boundary Work to Avoid Negative Interactions When Using Social Network Sites.” Information, Communication and Society.
  • Pirkey, Melissa Fletcher. 2015. “People Like Me: Shared Belief, False Consensus, and the Experience of Community.” Qualitative Sociology.
  • Vaidyanathan, Brandon, Michael Strand, Austin Choi-Fitzpatrick, Thomas Buschman, Meghan Davis and Amanda Varela. 2015. "Causality in Contemporary American Sociology: An Empirical Assessment and Critique." Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour.
  • Summers-Effler, Erika, Justin Van Ness, and Christopher Hausmann. 2015. "Peeking in the Black Box: Studying, Theorizing, and Representing the Micro-Foundations of Day-to-Day Interactions." Journal of Contemporary Ethnography.
  • Abrutyn, Seth, and Justin Van Ness. 2015. "The Role of Agency in Sociocultural Evolution: Institutional Entrepreneurship as a Force of Structural and Cultural Transformation." Thesis Eleven.
  • Stuit, David, Mark Berends, Megan J. Austin and R.D. Gerdeman. 2014. “Comparing Estimates of Teacher Value Added Based on Criterion- and Norm-Referenced Tests.” Washington, D.C.: National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education.
  • Johnston, Hank and Cole Carnesecca. 2014. “Fear Management in Contemporary Anti-authoritarian and Oppositions.” From Silence to Protest: International Perspectives on Weakly Resourced Groups, edited by Didier Chabanet and Frédéric Royall. Farnham: Ashgate. 
  • Lizardo, Omar and Melissa Fletcher Pirkey. 2014. “How Organizational Theory Can Help Network Theorizing: Linking Structure and Dynamics via Cross-level Analogies.” Research in the Sociology of Organizations.
  • Grier, Tiffanie, Carol Rambo, and Marshall A. Taylor. 2014. "'What Are You?': Racial Ambiguity, Stigma, and the Racial Formation Project." Deviant Behavior.
  • Carnesecca, Cole. 2013. “Revolution and Religious Reform: The Indigenous Church Movement in Republican China.” Ching Feng.
  • Spillman, Lyn and Michael Strand. 2013. “Interest-Oriented Action.” Annual Review of Sociology.
  • Brian Miller, Peter Mundey, and Jonathan P. Hill. 2013. “Faith in the Age of Facebook: Exploring the Links Between Religion and Social Network Site Membership and Use.” Sociology of Religion.
  • Myers, Daniel J. and Kevin Estep. 2012. "North Central Sociological Association 2012 Ruth and John Useem Plenary Address. Political Renewal: Occupations, Springs and Tea Parties." Sociological Focus.
  • Heather Price and Jessica Collett. 2012. “The Role of Emotion on Commitment: A Study of Teachers,” Social Science Research.
  • Lizardo, Omar and Sara Skiles.  2012.  “Reconceptualizing and Theorizing ‘Omnivorousness’:  Genetic and Relational Mechanisms.” Sociological Theory.
  • Vaidyanathan, Brandon. 2012. “Professionalism ‘from below’: Mobilisation Potential in Indian Call Centres.” Work, Employment, and Society.
  • Vaidyanathan, Brandon. 2012. “Religion in the Formal and Informal Economy: Catholicism and Professionals in the Arabian Gulf”. Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management Meeting.
  • Mikels-Carrasco, Jessica. 2012. Sherwood Washburn's New Physical Anthropology: Rejecting the "Religion of Taxonomy". History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences.
  • Jessica Collett and Jade Avelis. 2011. “Building a Life Together: Reciprocal and Negotiated Exchange in Fragile Families,” Advances in Group Processes.
  • Collett, Jessica and Ellen Childs. 2011. "Minding the Gap: Meaning, affect, and the potential shortcomings of vignettes." Social Science Research.
  • Smith, Christian with Kari Christoffersen, Hilary Davidson, and Patricia Snell Herzog. 2011. "Lost in Transition: The Dark Side of Emerging Adulthood." Oxford University Press.
  • McVeigh, Rory, Josh Dinsman, Austin Choi-Fitzpatrick, and Priyamvada Trivedi. 2011.Obama vs. Clinton: Categorical Boundaries and Intra-Party Electoral Outcomes." Social Problems.
  • Reese, Ellen, Ian Breckenridge-Jackson, Edwin Elias, David W. Everson, James Love. 2011. "The Global Justice Movement and the Social Forum Process." Routledge International Handbook of World Systems Analysis, edited by Salvatore Balbones and Christopher Chase-Dunn.
  • Farrell, Justin. 2011. “Environmental Activism and Moral Schemas: Cultural Components of Differential Participation.” Environment and Behavior.
  • Farrell, Justin. 2011. “The Young and the Restless? The Liberalization of Young Evangelicals.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.
  • Farrell, Justin. 2011. “The Divine Online: Civic Organizing, Identity Building, and Internet Fluency among Different Religious Groups.” Journal of Media and Religion.
  • Hausmann, Chris, Erika Summers-Effler, and Amy Jonason. 2011. “Interaction Ritual Theory and Structural Symbolic Interactionism.” Symbolic Interaction.
  • Montt, Guillermo. 2011. "Cross-National Differences in Educational Achievement Inequality." Sociology of Education.
  • Mundey, Peter, Hilary Davidson, and Patricia Snell. 2011. “Making Money Sacred: How Two Church Cultures Translate Mundane Money into Distinct Sacralized Frames of Giving.” Sociology of Religion.
  • Price, Heather. 2011.“Principals’ attitudes and behaviors matter: How principals’ relationships with their teachers affect school climate.” Educational Administration Quarterly.
  • Kelly, Sean and Heather Price. 2011. "The Correlates of Tracking Policy: Opportunity Hoarding, Status Competition, or a Technical-Functional Explanation?" American Educational Research Journal.
  • Snell, Patricia. 2011. “Contextual Inequalities in Religious Youth Programming.” Review of Religious Research.
  • Snell, Patricia. 2011. “Critical Space: Divisions, Ambiguities, and Conceptions of Space in Social Theory.” In New Voices in Sociological Theory and Methodology, edited by Ieva Zake and Michael DeCesare.
  • Snell, Patricia. 2011. “Just Reproduce After What I Taught You: Spatial Segregation of Religious Youth Socialization and the Reproduction of Social Inequality.” Youth & Society.
  • Snell, Patricia. 2011. “Parents Defining Parental Involvement.” Bedtime Stories and Book Reports: Connecting Parent Involvement and Family Literacy, edited by Cathy Compton-Lilly and Stuart Greene.
  • Vaidyanathan, Brandon. 2011. “Religious Resources or Differential Returns? Early Religious Socialization and Declining Attendance in Emerging Adulthood.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.
  • Vaidyanathan, Brandon, Jonathan P. Hill, and Christian Smith. 2011. “Religion and Charitable Financial Giving to Religious and Secular Causes: Does Political Ideology Matter?” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.
  • Vaidyanathan, Brandon, and Patricia Snell. 2011. “Motivations for and Obstacles to Religious Financial Giving.” Sociology of Religion.
  • Hill, Jonathan P., and Brandon Vaidyanathan. 2011. “Substitution or Symbiosis? Rethinking the Relationship between Religious and Secular Giving.” Social Forces.
  • Childs, Ellen. 2010. "Religious Attendance and Happiness: Examining Gaps in the Current Literature." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.
  • Carbonaro, William, Brandy J. Ellison, and Elizabeth Covay. 2010. "Gender Inequalities in the College Pipeline." Social Science Research.
  • Carbonaro, William & Elizabeth Covay. 2010. “School Sector and Student Achievement in the Era of Standards Based Reforms.” Sociology of Education.
  • Covay, Elizabeth & William Carbonaro. 2010.“After the Bell: Participation in Extracurricular Activities, Classroom Behavior, and Academic Achievement.” Sociology of Education.
  • Mikels-Carrasco, Jessica. 2010. "Nature in Our Own Backyards. Urban Ecology and Children." Children, Youth and Environments.
  • Mikels-Carrasco, Jessica. 2010. "Teaching Human Primates: Education from an Evolutionary Perspective, the Contributions of Sherwood Washburn." General Anthropology.
  • Price, Heather. 2010."Does No Child Left Behind really capture school quality? Evidence from an urban school district” Educational Policy.
  • Somma, Nicolás M. 2010."How do Voluntary Organizations Foster Protest? The Role of Organizational Involvement on Individual Protest Participation‟. The Sociological Quarterly.
  • Snell, Patricia. 2010. “Emerging Adult Civic Disengagement: A Longitudinal Analysis of Moral Values in Explaining Interest in Political Involvement.” Journal of Adolescent Research.
  • Snell, Patricia. 2010. “From Durkheim to the Chicago School: Against the 'Variables Sociology' Paradigm.” Journal of Classical Sociology.
  • Lizardo, Omar and Michael Strand. 2010. ""Skills, toolkits, contexts and institutions: clarifying the relationship between different approaches to cognition in cultural sociology." Poetics.
  • Lizardo, Omar and Michael Strand. 2010."Postmodernism and Globalization." Protosociology.
  • Strand, Michael. 2010. "Where do classifications come from?" Theory and Society.
  • Smith, Christian and Brandon Vaidyanathan. 2010. “Multiple Modernities and Religion." Oxford Handbook of Religious Diversity.
  • Armet, Stephen. 2009."Intrinsic Religion: The Relationship between Religious Socialization and Identity Formation in Adolescents of High Tension Religion." Review of Religious Research.
  • Collett, Jessica L. and Ellen Childs. 2009. “Does Major Matter? The Implications of Collecting Vignette Data from our Students.” Current Research in Social Psychology.
  • Collett, Jessica L. and Ellen Childs. 2009. “Meaningful Performances: Considering the Contributions of the Dramaturgical Approach to Studying Family." Sociology Compass.
  • McVeigh, Rory and Maria-Elena D. Diaz. 2009. “Traditional Gender Roles, Traditional Family Structure, and Weak Community Cohesion: Identifying the Structure of Opposition to Same-Sex Marriage.” American Sociological Review.
  • Kelly, Sean and Heather Price. 2009. “ Education: A Clean-Slate for Disengaged Students? Social Science Research.
  • Lizardo, Omar and Sara Skiles. 2009. “Highbrow omnivorousness on the small screen: Cultural industry systems and patterns of cultural choice in Europe.” Poetics.
  • Snell, Patricia, Christian Smith, Carlos Tavares, and Kari Christoffersen. 2009. “Denominational Differences in Congregational Youth Ministry Programming and Empirical Evidence of Systematic Non-Response Biases in Surveys.” Review of Religious Research.
  • Snell, Patricia. 2009. “What Difference Does Youth Group Make?: A Longitudinal Analysis of Religious Youth Group Participation and Religious and Life Outcomes.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.
  • Snell, Patricia, Nola Miguel, and Jean East. 2009. “Changing Directions: Participatory Action Research as a Parent Involvement Strategy.” Educational Action Research.
  • Somma, Nicolás M. 2009. "How Strong are Strong Ties? The Conditional Effectiveness of Strong Ties in Protest Recruitment Attempts." Sociological Perspectives.